Maggie Troxell


My name is Maggie Troxell, I am a senior at the University of Oregon and a seasoned vet in the world of sports media. I am a full time freelancer that has worked for GoDucks, NCAA, the NBA, the NFL, Nike and other insane clients.

Drive and passion has led me to where I am. I have always had a camera in my hand and I gave up my love for making once. I immediately regretted it and it has been all in ever since.

I look up to so many amazing creatives. I adore @_realtalkwithtee, she is an icon that has forged her own way in this industry and it is beyond admirable. I look up to @annie.boos and @kjramming at TrackTown USA for mentoring me over the last few years and giving me strong female role models to aspire to be like. I also look up to @alyclauson, I have been following her on TikTok for so long and her story has been so cool to follow. I love the friends I have made in the industry like @alex.hampstead, @phzlps, and @livmedfilms.

I have faced so many struggles in the industry. I have been counted out more times than I can count, but I fight back. I love proving people wrong and elevating my work to new levels. When one door closes, many, many more open.

I am beyond proud of everything I have accomplished, but I am most proud of how I have stuck to my morals since day one. There are opportunities to get caught up in what you are doing and develop an ego, but I have worked hard not to. I elevate my work and give my platform back to those who have supported me and that is my pride and joy.

In the future, I want to make cool shit. I don’t care where or with who. I love breaking boundaries and pushing the envelope and I will continue to do that.

Find Maggie’s work here on Instagram @magz.memz and her website


Fia McCarty


Emily Hawryschuk